Saturday, August 23, 2008

Upcoming Poetry at MC

  No, he's not reading at MC this far as I know...but I am surprised at how difficult it is to find a good lead picture for a blog entry announcing poetry readings.  I realize that we are an online class and that not everyone is available during the day, but I thought I'd announce a series of readings at the campus.  This series is run by our developmental writing program, but I am intending to attend at least one or two...and report on them here!

On Wednesday, Sept. 17 Bettina Judd will read and discuss her poetry.  Here's a link to her blog:  One of her poems is "Gender Bend: Sankofa," Sankofa being an Adinkra symbol that means learning from the past.  Adinkra symbols come from Ghana, but you may have seen some of them in clothing or artwork or even tattoos.
More of her poetry is available at her MySpace site: If you are interested in political poetry, poetry about the body, women's poetry, and African-American poetry, I encourage you to attend this reading...and/or explore her work.

On Wednesday, October 22 poet and memoirist E. Ethelbert Miller will be reading his work.  Some of you may have read his work or been to his readings, but here is a link to his website:

Here is his page at the Academy of American Poets' site:

You may also listen to him read poems about fatherhood at this site:

Or you may hear a minute of his poetry at this site:

I found some pictures of E. Ethelbert Miller reading his poetry (where were these pictures an hour or two ago?!), but most were on Flicker.  Here is a picture that wasn't.  Below that is the cover of his memoir, Fathering Words, a book that I'd like to read soon.  I enjoy reading memoirs, especially when they are set in NYC.

On Wednesday, November 5, the Korean journalist, poet, and editor Yearn Hong Choi will be reading his poetry and essays at MC.  I'm glad to see that Korean culture will be getting more attention.  Here is a link to this poet's work:

Also, this review of Surfacing Sadness, an anthology edited by Yearn Hong Choi, appeared in the KoreAm Journal:

Dr. Choi has more recently edited Fragrance of Poetry, an anthology of Korean-American poetry.  The VOA News interviewed him and two other poets whose work appears in this collection:

Then, on Wednesday November 19, Sylvia Lee, a visiting professor at MC, will read from her poems.  Here is a link to a set of her poems.

Here are some pictures from the Cornelia Street Cafe, the venue for a reading series that Prof. Lee co-curates.

Each of these readings take place from 9:30 to 10:20 and 11 to 11:50 at a site to be announced later.  Dr. Choi and Prof. Lee will also read from 1 to 1:50.

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