Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Historical Background for Death of a Salesman

Most of the pictures of 1940s Brooklyn that I've found so far are fairly urban.  The picture above is of trolleys somewhere in the borough (or section of the city).  Fewer people had cars, so more people took trolleys and the subway.  (Note that Willy has a car but Linda does not.)  Without television, movie theaters were common in most neighborhoods.  However, the rise of television would lead to the closing of many of these theaters.

Here is a picture of Ebbets Field where Biff played.  It is, of course, more famous for the Brooklyn Dodgers. 

In 1949, Jackie Robinson had already joined the Dodgers' major league team, thus beginning the process of integrating baseball.  Up until this point, no African Americans played in the major leagues. 

The following site will give you more of an overview of the 1940s:


For more information about 1949, see this site:


This timeline focuses on NYC in the 1940s:


Sometimes it is more fun to look at the smaller picture.  The site below contains reviews of restaurants and nightclubs from the 1940s.  I can't get over how inexpensive the restaurant meals and drinks are! 


Fashion is always fun!




Or you may prefer cars.



Movies are always interesting. 



Here is a link to a movie trailer from that era:


Here is a "Hit Parade" of songs from 1949:


FYAmuse, here are some pictures of Brooklyn today:

 Here is a picture of a family in Brooklyn:

Or this picture:


Gizachew Elcho said...

Prof, this are very very useful links for people like me to have a hint on Brooklyn. It is also great to take a look at pictures they can tell us briefly how the life back in a days look like.

M. Szlyk said...

Thank you, Gizachew :)