Thursday, November 21, 2013

Twelfth Set of Questions for EN 190/190 HM


Good afternoon :)

I hope that everyone enjoyed Dr. Ingram's talk and performance today.  Here is a link to the DC Poetry Project Website.

Dr. Ingram (and his co-organizers) hold workshops and performances throughout the year.  The next half and half workshop is this Saturday, and then in December there are a number of service activities such as the NAMI/DC Christmas Party 

Thursday will be our last day of new material as we have many presentations and few days remaining to the semester.  Please read chapters 16 and 17 in our anthology.  The topics will be rhyme and meter and form and type.

In addition, here are some spoken word pieces for you:

This piece from British spoken word artist Suli Breeze is timely:

Have you watched Jefferson Bethke's controversial video:

Erykah Badu performs "Friends Fans and Artists Must Meet":

Here is Kinetic Affect's "Lost and Found":

I'll finish with a little slam poetry.

Here is Rachel McKibben's "Central Park, Mother's Day":

Regie Cabico performs "What Kind of Guys Are Attracted to Me":

And here are your questions:

-- How did Dr. Ingram's performance shed light on poetry for you?

-- How do his poems use rhyme and meter?

-- If you were to compare one of his poems to someone else's poems that we have read or watched, which poem would you choose?  Why?  What would be the poems' "theme"?

-- How do his poems use form?

-- What does it mean to "metaphorically scream"?  Of the poems we've read or listened to, which metaphorically scream?  Why?  

-- Would you want to read and perform your poetry for your presentation?  Why?  Why not?

-- Would you want to read and perform someone else's poetry for your presentation?  Why?  Why not?

-- What does spoken word add to poetry?  How is it similar?  How is it different?

-- What is it like for you to listen to work by a celebrity like Ms. Badu or Common?  Is this work poetry?  (Here is a piece by Common: )  Why?  Why not?

-- What does slam poetry add to your understanding of poetry?  How is it similar?  How is it different?

-- What role does performance play in poetry?  Why?  Why not?

I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing what you have to say!

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