Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fifth Set of Questions for En 211

Good evening :)

I hope that our weather will be a little less interesting on Friday as we continue with narratives of exploration.  For class, please reread Cabeza de Vega and then read de Champlain.

Here is a link to the video that we watched in class:

These videos may also be useful:

This video is about Mann's other book 1491:

Here are a few questions for you and your journal.

--  How do Columbus, Cabeza de Vaca, and de Champlain depict the native peoples they encounter?

-- Compare these depictions to the self-depictions in the Native American folktales.  

-- How do the explorers depict the America that they encounter?

-- Discuss the narrative voice in each narrative of exploration.  How does the narrator represent himself?  Do you find him credible?  Why?  Why not?

-- Does there seem to be a plot in Cabeza de Vaca's narrative?  Why?  Why not?

-- Does he develop as a character over time?  Why?  Why not?

-- What do you make of him referring to his fellows as the Christians?  (Note that one is an African slave.)

--- Compare Cabeza de Vaca and Coyote.

-- What do our narratives tell us about the idea of empire and colonization?

-- Compare/contrast French attitudes towards native peoples, America, and empire to Spanish attitudes.

-- How does Mann's argument (see videos) add to your understanding of America and its literature?

-- Should our editors include one of these videos with Columbus' Letter?  Why?  Why not?

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to say!

Dr. Szlyk

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