Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Monday, August 8 --
 Grant McLaughlin on Jules Verne
Liliana Perez on Mario Vargas Llosa
Inhae Hong on The Brothers Grimm
Ismail Hassen on Gilligan's/Erikson's Stages & a story or character
Pamela Hernandez on Armando Valladares La Mejor Tinta

Tuesday, August 9 --

Dexter Chan on Death of a Salesman
Wajiha Fatima and Jonathan Durgam on an analysis of a song
Aurelie Mebou on Victor Hugo's "Demain des l'Aube"

Jesenia Romero on Marge Piercy
Nayani Athale on Lynda Barry
Jennifer Guzman on a writer from El Salvador
Anitha Mohan and Davish Chaskar on "Dinner with Dr. Azad" -- Role of Bangladesh/Indian
Patricia Lopez on Pablo Neruda

Thursday, August 11 
Naham Hawaz on the American Dream
Clifford Oh on music & literature
Mauricio Silva -- TBA
Jason Mihlfeld on song lyrics as poetry
Shennekia Grimshaw on a song
Joseph Jacob/Lizzy Tabb on 1950's/1960's American culture

If you don't see your name here, be sure to sign up on Monday or Tuesday!  Also, Jason has put out a call for people to join him in a group presentation.  If you would rather not present in public or by yourself, feel free to join him!

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