Friday, July 20, 2012

Study Guide for Midterm -- pt. 2 -- EN 190 -- Summer II 2012

As a change of pace, since we have so many pictures of Brooklyn and the theater, I thought I'd post a picture of LA.  Here is a more idyllic picture, reflecting what older people may think of when they hear about LA or California.

On to the terms and links!

drama vs. theater 

drama -- playwright, script, characters, stage directions, setting, plot

theater -- director, actor, audience, performance, set, sound, lighting

 As promised, here is a link to Erikson's stages of development.

You may also find Kohlberg's theory interesting as well:

Michael Morrison provides a Christian perspective on development:

Or is Carol Gilligan's theory more appropriate to Linda?

Other approaches to literature include formalist (focusing on elements of the text), historical, economic, gender (male OR female), racial, and ethnic.

Ways of categorizing literature include genre, historical period, language, nation, culture (including academic or youth), and theme.

Here is my entry on Miller's life and career:
You may also find this interview to be interesting:

For more information about DoaS' time and place, see this entry:

Take a look at other versions of DoaS:
The latest version is here:

To be fair, you ought to look at the reviews, too:

And here is the link to the entry on the Beijing production:

For more information about Trifles, see this entry:

Below is a picture of Glaspell's Provincetown Theater in NYC.

After a scare in 2008, it is still open:

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