Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Study Guide for Midterm EN 190/190 HM -- Fall 2013 pt. 2

Let's move on to fiction! I am not sure whether we will see any of American Graffiti, but it seems to fit with a number of our stories, so here we are!

The stories that may be on the midterm include the following:
"Coyote and Eagle Visit the Land of the Dead"
"Love in LA"
"The Red Convertible"
"Today's Demon: Magic" (graphic fiction)
"The House on Mango Street"
"Everyday Use"
"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"
"Hills Like White Elephants"

Main characters, authors' names, settings, and plot points will also be on the exam.  Remember Nancy Armstrong!

Here are some terms for you:
types of stories: literary fiction, genre fiction, folktale, graphic fiction (panel), flash fiction
differences between drama/theater and fiction
again orality
plot: narrative arc (initial incident etc.), false closure, foreshadowing, flashback, exposition, description, dialogue, epiphany
character: flat vs. round, major vs. minor, protagonist, antagonist, anti-hero, showing vs. telling -- ways to develop character
point of view: 1st person (reliable, unreliable, naive), 2nd person, 3rd person (omniscient, objective, center of consciousness, limited omniscience), frame narrative
types of theme: topic vs. thesis statement
graphic fiction:  Ms. Vartanoff covered a LOT, but try to remember different categories like manga and key titles like Maus, Persepolis, A Contract with God, Saints & Boxers, the adaptations of various literary/musical works like Wagner's Ring Cycle, The Tale of Genji, the Odyssey & the Iliad, Girl Stories.  Try to remember key names like Will Eisner, Scott McLeod (theorist/Understanding Comics), Art Spiegelman, Gene Yuen Yang, Lauren Weinstein.  Note that graphic fiction is available in many languages, even simply visual like Blood Song, a novel set in Vietnam.

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