Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thirteenth Set of Questions for EN 211


Can you see Benjamin Franklin's portrait in the painting "Men of Progress" (1862)?

For more information about this painting, see this link:

Good evening :)

Today we finished up our discussion of American literature before the United States (Native American myths & folktales, narratives of exploration, and Puritan literature) and did some review for our exam on Friday, March 14.

March 10 and 12 are good days for the first presentation, but we will do more reviewing.

For Friday we will be reading excerpts from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, a window into a very different world.

Here are a few questions for further review as well as for the new reading.

-- Take a look at the attached picture (am lit.jpg) and apply some of the themes to our readings.  Which works and themes would be worth discussing in your papers?

-- Go to MyMC and take a look at the picture am lit review.  What would you add to this cluster?

-- How did today's review help you with your understanding of American literature?

-- How is your journal helping you?

-- What are the challenges of reading older literature?

-- What are the rewards of reading older literature?

 What are the challenges of reading literature that reflects a different attitude towards religion?

-- What are the rewards of reading literature that reflects a different attitude toward religion?

-- Compare/contrast Benjamin Franklin's autobiography to a relevant piece of writing that we have read in class so far.

-- What does Benjamin Franklin add to our exploration of American literature and America?

-- How does Franklin represent America?

-- How does he represent family?

-- How does he represent urban life?

-- His autobiography was originally written for his illegitimate son (who may not have read it).  How might this audience shape Franklin's narrative and tone?

-- Note that the autobiography was not published in Franklin's lifetime.  In fact, parts of it were first published in French.  How might this circumstance (the Autobiography) not being published under the author's direction and in his lifetime shape Franklin's narrative and tone?

-- Compare/contrast Franklin's self-presentation with what you know of him from history.

-- Have you been to historic sites in Boston or Philadelphia?  Discuss your impressions of these places.

-- Have you been to historic sites in the UK or France?  Discuss your impressions of these places.

-- How did Franklin shape the United States?

-- Compare/contrast Franklin's life writing with other life writing that you have read.

Am looking forward to seeing what you have to say!

Dr. Szlyk

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