Thursday, May 1, 2014

Questions After 4/30 Class

Above is a view of Brooklyn Ferry!  We will be listening to Lucille Clifton's performance of this poem in class:

Good evening :)

I am pleased to say that I have finally posted the prompts for the final!  Please let me know if you need additional information after looking them over.

On Friday Orlando will be presenting on Romantic Literature, a topic we have glanced at this semester.  We will begin Walt Whitman, focusing on the poems "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" and "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed."  We will also begin reviewing for the final.

Here are a few questions for your journal:

-- How does Walt Whitman finish up our course?

-- What does he add to American literature?  American identity? poetry?

-- What jumps out at you as you read his poetry?  Why?

-- How does Whitman capture the experience of being in a city?

-- How does Whitman capture the loss Americans felt after Lincoln's assassination?  How does he capture his own emotions?

-- Is Whitman public like a frog?  Why?  Why not?

-- What does he add to your understanding of gender?

-- Should a writer go out into the world to gather experience?  Or should he/she stay home and focus on his/her writing?

-- Discuss the impact of Whitman's line lengths, repetition, and/or free verse.

-- Are you Team Emily?  Or Team Walt?  Why?

I am looking forward to seeing what you have to say!

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