Friday, November 7, 2014

Finally the Questions Finishing Up Fiction/Film and Beginning Poetry

Finally, here are the questions for you:

On fiction -- 

-- How is your paper coming along for Nov. 14?  Feel free to post a draft of your paper in your journal.

-- What have you learned about fiction this semester?  Why?

-- Compare/contrast the role that flashbacks play in "This is What It Means..." with the role that they play in "Everyday Use."

-- "The Last Convertible," on the other hand, is a story told in retrospect.  Would this have been an effective method for "This is What It Means..."?  Why?  Why not?

-- If you have read other work by Poe, how has it helped you to read "The Cask of Amontillado"?

-- If you have read other work by Alexie, how has it helped you to read "This Is What It Means..."?

-- Should we read more older works?  Why?  Why not?

-- Should we read some fiction in translation?  Why?  Why not?

-- Should we read more fiction set outside the US?  Why?  Why not?

-- Could a story like "Saboteur" happen in the US?  Why?  Why not?

On poetry --

-- What comes to mind when you think about poetry?

-- Which is more important to you in poetry, words or sound?  Or sound or sense, to use older terminology?

-- Is poetry better when it is read?  Or when it is recited?

Here are links to some videos of poems we have looked at and will look at:

William Carlos Williams reads his "The Red Wheelbarrow":

I can't find a video of Sherman Alexie reading "Dangerous Astronomy":

Instead, here is a video of Dylan Thomas reading another villanelle "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night":

You may prefer Anthony Hopkins' version:

Just a few more....James Mason reads "My Last Duchess":

Yusef Komunyakaa reads "Facing It":

Charles Bukowski reads "Bluebird" :

Here are two versions of "We Real Cool":

So what does performance add to a poem?  What does it detract ?  Feel free to discuss the poems read by their poets as well as those read by others.

-- What kind of form does poetry seem to have?

-- How is poetry different from fiction or drama/theater?  How is it similar?

-- Is rhyme in poetry important to you?  Why?  Why not?

-- How can poetry develop empathy?

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