Friday, January 26, 2018

Act 2 of A Doll's House

I wish that I had been able to find a picture of Nora and Krogstad at his lodgings, but this is the best I could find.  Nonetheless, it is a good image for my entry on Act 2.  Interestingly, this is the part of the film where you see more differences between Ibsen's play and Christopher Hampton's screenplay.

Today we also went over some terminology: character (protagonist and antagonist), plot (narrative arc, foreshadowing, flashback, false closure), and central idea. 

For Monday, I'd like you to read Act 3.  If you don't have the book yet, here is a link to an online version of the play:
I will be going over the upcoming paper, too. 

Finally, we are now in HU 115!  Be sure to come to the new room on Monday!

And here are a few questions based on our readings and today's class.

-- Who is the antagonist in A Doll's House?  Why?

-- The Encyclopedia Britannica contains this definition of the dramatic unities:  UnitiesUnities, in drama, the three principles derived by French classicists from Aristotle's Poetics; they require a play to have a single action represented as occurring in a single place and within the course of a day. These principles were called, respectively, unity of action, unity of place, and unity of time.  How does Ibsen's play follow these unities?  How does it not follow these unities?  Should the film have followed these unities more closely?  Why?  Why not?

-- Discuss the differences between Ibsen's play and the 1973 film.  How do they affect your understanding of A Doll's House?  How do they distract you?

-- How did the scenes we saw today affect your view of Nora?

-- How did the scenes we saw today affect your view of Nora and Helmer's marriage?

-- How did the scenes we saw today affect your view of Krogstad?  of Mrs. Linde?

-- How did the scenes we saw today affect your view of Dr. Rank?

-- Discuss the impact of the actors' body language, facial expressions, and relative position on your understanding of the characters' relationship and the plot in A Doll's House.

-- Discuss the impact of camera angles, shot composition, and lighting on your understanding of the characters' relationship and the plot in A Doll's House.

If you need to refresh your memory, here is a link to the film that we saw:

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to say!

1 comment:

sefako said...

In this play Nora seems desperate, nervous and scare . Also, Dr. Rank seems to have an affection or feelings for Nora by the look on his face and action.