Thursday, August 9, 2012

Last Set of Questions

Thank you for a wonderful Summer II, everyone!  I hope that you enjoyed exploring literature--and that you liked tonight's goodies from the Asian Bakery Cafe in Rockville!

Here are a few last questions in case you need another entry or two for your journal:

-- How did tonight's presentations help you understand literature more fully?

-- Here is a link to the video that Oliver showed in class tonight.  It is part one of four of Simon Armitage's "9/11: Out of the Blue."

What does this work add to your understanding of literature?

What does it add to your understanding of 9/11?  (It's hard to believe that that horrific event occurred over ten years ago.)

If you've seen other movies or read books about 9/11, how does this work compare to them?

-- How has your understanding of literature changed during this summer session?  Why?

-- Which has been the most interesting work that you've read or listened to or watched this summer session?  Why?

Keep up the good work!

Dr. Szlyk

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