Thursday, November 10, 2016

Starting Poetry!

Last night we began our unit on poetry by looking at mainly formal poetry (dramatic monologue, villanelle, and sonnet) although we did look at Yusef Komunyakaa's "Facing It," a free verse poem.

Here is a link to the snippet of Dante's The Divine Comedy that we looked at.  Unfortunately, the URL does not link to the specific examples.

You can even listen to the original Italian of Petrarch's Canzionere:

James Mason reads "My Last Duchess" here.  You can also find various lectures explaining Browning's classic poem.

Sir Anthony Hopkins reads "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night":

Dylan Thomas himself reads the same poem:

Here is a recording of "the rites for cousin vit":

Alan Rickman reads Shakespeare's Sonnet #130:

Yusef Komunyakaa reads "Facing It."

For our next class, I'd like you to read chapter 14 and the following free verse poems:

Robert Hayden's "Those Winter Sundays" is in chapter 13, but here is a link for you:

Here is Philip Levine's "Animals Are Passing From Our Lives":

This is Seamus Heaney's "Digging":

Elizabeth Bishop's "Crusoe in England" is here:

I'll finish with Mary Ellen Solt's "Forsythia":

Here are a few questions for you.

-- What was it like for you to listen to various poems aloud this past week?

-- Which do you prefer--formal poetry or free verse?  Why?

-- What do this week's poem add to your understanding of poetry?  of free verse?

-- Compare and contrast "Crusoe in England" and "My Last Duchess" as dramatic monologues.  Does it matter that "Crusoe in England" is free verse?

-- Choose one of our poems to discuss word choice.

-- Choose one of our poems to discuss imagery.

-- Choose one of our poems to discuss tone.

-- Choose one of our poems to discuss voice.

-- What do you make of Mary Ellen Solt's "Forsythia"?  Is it poetry or is it visual art?

-- What do you make of the ending of "Animals Are Passing from Our Lives"?

-- If you haven't read Robinson Crusoe, does this make a difference to you when you read this poem?

-- How do you feel about the ending of "Digging"?

See you in class!

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