Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Study Guide for Final

Here is the prettied-up version of our study guide for the final.

Film -- Nosferatu (1922)
scenes from Nosferatu (1979)  Go to 1:43:51 --
scenes from Murnau's Sunrise   Here is a link to the scene that we saw:  

Ha Jin's Saboteur -- revenge, 3rd person, set in China, Mr. Chiu is a newlywed, professor from Harbin
Poe's The Cask of Amontillado -- death; 1st person reliable narrator, vengeance, retribution, Montresor (narrator as older man), Fortunato (victim)
James Joyce's Araby -- epiphany -- narrator (unnamed) -- Araby = bazaar/marketplace -- setting: Ireland in the late 1800s/early 1900s

Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess": -- dramatic monologue (speaker is the Duke of Ferrara who was rumored to have killed his first wife)

James Mason reads "My Last Duchess" here.  You can also find various lectures explaining Browning's classic poem.

Philip V. Allingham provides various readings of the poem here:

Sherman Alexie's "Dangerous Astronomy": -- villanelle by author of "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven"

Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night": -- villanelle to his father

Sir Anthony Hopkins reads "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night":

Gwendolyn Brooks' "the rites for cousin vit": -- Italian or Petrarchan sonnet

Yusef Komunyakaa's "Facing It": -- Vietnam memorial

Komunyakaa reads his poem here:

Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 (My mistress' eyes...)

Alan Rickman reads the poem here:

William Carlos Williams' "The Red Wheelbarrow" -- no idea but in things -- a physician who wrote poems on the side -- modern poetry

Williams reads his poem here:

Robert Hayden's "Those Winter Sundays" is in chapter 13, but here is a link for you:

Robert Hayden reads his poem here:

I'll finish with Mary Ellen Solt's "Forsythia": -- shape, graphic poem

Another of her poems is "Lilac."

Petrarch's Sonnet 3 in the Canzioniere -- Good Friday, how he met Laura

Here is Philip Levine's "M. Degas...": -- listened to poet read, doesn't look like a poem but sounds like a poem

You can listen to the poet read his poem here:

John Hollander's Swan and Shadow -- visual poem but unlike Solt's poem -- words horizontal and made sense -- not just a visual poet unlike Solt

We also looked at Russell Edson's prose poem:

Let's finish with Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art": -- villanelle -- drafts

Miranda Otto reads "One Art" here:

Poe's "The Raven" -- creepy ambiance/dominant impression -- rhythm (trochaic octameter) -- internal rhyme -- death -- depression -- Michael Oliver's film with backstory about Poe -- Poe: tension in the US coming up to the Civil War -- poetry as escape
To read the poem, see this link:

Here is another performance of "The Raven":

Paul Laurence Dunbar's "We Wear the Mask" -- two performances -- oppression -- Dunbar's life
To read "We Wear the Mask," see this link:

The two performances we saw are here:

Li Young Lee's "Eating Alone" -- free verse -- used farming to show that everything has its season -- impression -- published in 1986

We finished our unit on poetry by looking at the bop, the poetry of Aafa M. Weaver, and the poetry of Wang Ping, a poet-activist who emigrated to the US from China.

Let's start with the bop. has a good overview of the form:

Aafa M. Weaver's "Rambling" is here:

I also shared a bop written by Evelyn N. Alfred for a poetry workshop that we both took:

flashes: a bop for bix b.

he hungered for the notes
playing before he could see the keys
mother bird chewed them for him
while he regurgitated beauty
fingertips savoring the song
without knowing the recipe.

the hungry and the hanged, the damaged and the done
striving along this spinning rock, tumbling past the sun

without knowing the recipe
he learned how to taste the tune
adding brown sugar, nutmeg,
and horn lines
but couldn’t bake an unfamiliar harmony
cooling his heart,  sinking the middle
to what effect?
is a fallen cake ruined?

the hungry and the hanged, the damaged and the done
striving along this spinning rock, tumbling past the sun

is a fallen cake ruined?
forced to flash up the treble
singed in chicago winds.
south side speakeasies
intoxicated his ballads
he hungered for the notes.

the hungry and the hanged, the damaged and the done
striving along this spinning rock, tumbling past the sun

 --- Evelyn N. Alfred

The song excerpt comes from “God Bless Our Dead Marines” by A Silver Mt. Zion

 This is the music that Evelyn was responding to in her poem:
Tara Betts' "More Salt," a bop poem about her grandmother, takes a more down to earth tone:

We watched the Grandma Thanksgiving Rap Song, a remix of Shirley Caesar's song:

Aafa M. Weaver has also taught in Taiwan and is fascinated by Chinese culture.  This poem, "Being Chinese," shows this aspect of him.

We also watched this interview:

For more information about this poet, see these links:

We finished the unit on poetry with Wang Ping, a poet who is concerned with not only identity but also the environment.
The first poem we looked at was "Solstice in Lhasa":

The other was "A Hakka Man Farms Rare Earth in China":

poetry --
prose poem -- no line breaks, written like prose,
voice -- poet's/poem's individuality
speaker -- narrates the poem (can be poet, may not be poet)
line breaks (end-stopped; enjambment)
alliteration (consonants)
assonance (vowels)
simile (like/as)
free verse
villanelle (song)
graphic poem/concrete poem/visual poem
sonnet (Shakespearean/Petrarchan or Italian)

fiction --
epiphany (ah-ha moment at the end of the story)
point of view (1st--naive, unreliable, reliable/3rd--omniscient, objective, limited)
plot (narrative arc -- flashbacks -- exposition--foreshadowing)
character (protagonist--antagonist--round/flat--major/minor -- motivation)


1 comment:

Milasha said...

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