Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reading Heart of Darkness (Historical Background)

This evening I'd like to put together a quick entry on the history of and current events in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire, formerly the Belgian Congo and the setting of Heart of Darkness).  I've posted a current map from Lonely Planet above; here is a historical map from the 19th century.  (Conrad worked in the Congo around 1890.)  I was able to find a map from around that time!  It is a little oversize, but look for the "Congo Free State."


More importantly, here are some links about the history of the DR Congo.

The US State Department's site is very comprehensive.  Scroll down the page to find historical information that predates the arrival of Europeans.


On the other hand, the BBC's historical background is more readable:


Historian John Henrik Clarke has written this article about the history of the Congo *before* colonialization:


The University of Pennsylvania's African Studies Center brings together a number of disparate but relevant sites on the DR Congo:


For a change of pace, here is Lonely Planet's information about the DR Congo:


Here is a picture of Kinshasa, the nation's largest city.

This picture of a village is also from the BBC:


As is this collage of scenes from the recent elections:

I do want to include some more detailed historical background about Belgium's occupation or colonization of what is now the DR Congo.  The first article is from Yale's Genocide Studies Program:


Here are history professor Wallace Mills' notes on this topic:


CNN's website from 1997 provides useful information about what happened after the DR Congo (then Zaire) became independent in 1960.


Howard W. French's 1997 article from the NY Times focuses on Mobutu Seso Seke, Zaire's dictator from 1965 to 1997:


A Wikipedia entry on Mobutu is more blunt, stating that "his name [was] synonymous with kleptocracy [rule by theft] in Africa" (par. 1).

This BBC profile is about the DR Congo's next ruler, Laurent Kabila, who was assassinated in 2001:


Currently, his son Joseph is the president, having won the election in 2006.

Here are some more recent articles about the country and its current situation.



How might your knowledge of history and current events affect your understanding of Heart of Darkness -- and Achebe's criticism of this work?




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