Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Voltaire & Candide

While I'm online this afternoon, I thought that I would post a quick entry on Candide and its author, the satirist and philosopher Voltaire.  The picture above is from a recent production of the opera Candide that was performed in Philadelphia.  Here is a review of that production:


Hmmm....I wonder if our library has a copy of this opera!

In case it does not, here is a link to the South Korean opera singer Sumi Jo's performance of "Glitter and Be Gay" from Bernstein's Candide. 


But back to the philosophical tale and its author!

To begin with, the BBC's h2g2 wiki has a useful overview of Candide.  It places Voltaire's most famous work into the context of his entire body of work as well as into its historical context:


Here is a link to Brian Charles Clark's recent review of a new translation of Candide.  Here he compares Voltaire's work to the satires of Kurt Vonnegut, especially Slaughterhouse Five.


On the other hand, Stephen A. Fuqua here compares Candide to Alexander Pope's "Essay on Man."  Pope is an eighteenth-century English poet; he was a few years older than Voltaire.  Pope, by the way, was a Catholic; for that reason, he could not go to the English universities or hold office or even live in London.


Here is blogger Sora Ryu's commentary on Candide alone.


I want to close with a few links about Voltaire himself:

Lucidcafe has posted a (relatively) short but comprehensive biography of Voltaire:


And that biography links to an article about the beatings that Voltaire received from hired thugs over the years.


The Voltaire Foundation at Oxford has a more extensive biography of Voltaire.  It includes discussion of his works and his role in the Enlightenment.


Below is a picture of Voltaire's chateau at Ferney, a French town near the Swiss border.

W.H. Auden wrote "Voltaire at Ferney," which I will link to below:


This poem will give you some idea of what the writer's time there was like.

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