Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Questions and Links for 8/2

Good morning :)

What a lot of poems we looked at and listened to last night!  Here they are, starting with Robert Hayden's "Those Winter Sundays."

An alternate reading is here.

You may also enjoy this essay about Hayden's life in Ann Arbor, MI.

We listened to Gwendolyn Brooks read "We Cool":

Next is Mary Ellen Solt's "Forsythia":
For more information, see this link:

You may see George Herbert's "The Altar":

Howard Nemerov's found poem is here:

Here is his non-found poem:

For more found poetry, see this journal:

Let's move on to the more formal poetry, starting with Dylan Thomas.

Here is Theodore Roethke's "My Papa's Waltz":

Alan Rickman reads Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 here:

For reading, let's read chapters 13 and 14.

We'll conclude with a few questions:

-- What was it like for you to listen to poems that you did not read?

-- Which songwriters/rappers are really poets?  Feel free to look at one lyric in depth.

-- Look at one poem we did not discuss and consider how it uses word and image.

-- Look at one poem we discussed and consider how it uses word and image -- or how it uses voice and form.

-- Look at one poem from chapters 13 or 14 and consider how it uses word and image.

-- Is found poetry really poetry?  Why?  Why not?

-- Is concrete poetry really poetry?  Why?  Why not?

-- If you haven't already, read Denise Levertov's "Some Notes on Organic Form":
How do her ideas help you understand free verse?  or poetry in general?

-- Argue for or against free verse.

I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing what you have to say!

Dr. Szlyk

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