I thought that I would put together an entry linking to various videos of Mother Courage. They will have to do until someone decides to film this play or I decide to spring for a DVD from Germany. First, though, here is a review of the production pictured above:
http://www.musicomh.com/theatre/mother-courage_1106.htmHere is a quick scene from an Illinois' high school's production:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S5XZgV2Hd0This production is by "Theater Bayside":
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Y-icyZFZgThis video of "The Death of Kattrin" is short, but the scenery looks more professional:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwa_Z2iQP00Villanova University's Theater Department has a slide show of its production of Mother Courage and a video of the set and costume designers at work:
http://villanovatheatretalk.blogspot.com/2007_10_01_archive.htmlI am desperate, so I am going to add some reviews with extensive pictures and/or description!
See this links for pictures from Rutgers-NJIT's production:
http://theatre.njit.edu/pictures.php?d=mothercourage&n=MOTHER%20COURAGE%20AND%20HER%20CHILDRENMinneapolis' Frank Theater has done Mother Courage recently. For once, the play is reviewed glowingly! See the second link for an interview with Wendy Knox, the founder of this theater:
http://www.talkinbroadway.com/regional/minn/minn171.htmlhttp://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2006/10/20/wendyknox/In 2003, a theater company in the UK put on a production with disabled actors:
http://www.culturewars.org.uk/2003-02/mothercourage.htmA year later, The Eclipse Theater Company toured the UK with its version of Mother Courage translated by Afro-British playwright Oladipo Agboluaje. In this version, Mother Courage is set in modern-day West Africa. For more details, see these links:
http://www.theatrevoice.com/listen_now/player/?audioID=483These reviews from Pittsburgh and San Diego may explain why I am desperate!